Allgemeine MQTT Befehle

/message - JSON string:

/command - JSON string:

Integration per MQTT in openHAB

Hier ein Beispiel für die Anlegung von Items, Rules und Sitemaps:


Thing mqtt:topic:SpaControl "Spa control" (mqtt:broker:myAuthentificatedBroker) @ "Outside" {


Type switch : PowerChannel   [stateTopic="spa_control/message", on="1", off="0", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.PWR"]

Type switch : BubblesChannel   [stateTopic="spa_control/message",   commandTopic="spa_control/command", on="1", off="0", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.AIR", formatBeforePublish="{\"CMD\":2,\"VALUE\":%s,\"XTIME\":0,\"INTERVAL\":0}" ]

Type number : CurrentTemperatureChannel   [stateTopic="spa_control/message", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.TMP"]

Type number : TargetTemperatureChannel    [stateTopic="spa_control/message",   commandTopic="spa_control/command", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.TGT", formatBeforePublish="{\"CMD\":0,\"VALUE\":%s,\"XTIME\":0,\"INTERVAL\":0}" ]

Type switch : PumpChannel [stateTopic="spa_control/message",   commandTopic="spa_control/command", on="1", off="0", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.FLT", formatBeforePublish="{\"CMD\":4,\"VALUE\":%s,\"XTIME\":0,\"INTERVAL\":0}" ]


Type switch : HeaterRedChannel   [stateTopic="spa_control/message", on="1", off="0", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.RED" ]

Type switch : HeaterGreenChannel [stateTopic="spa_control/message", on="1", off="0", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.GRN" ]

Type switch : HeaterControlChannel [ commandTopic="spa_control/command", on="1", off="0", formatBeforePublish="{\"CMD\":3,\"VALUE\":%s,\"XTIME\":0,\"INTERVAL\":0}" ]      


Type number : DisplayChar1 [stateTopic="spa_control/message", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.CH1" ]

Type number : DisplayChar2 [stateTopic="spa_control/message", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.CH2" ]

Type number : DisplayChar3 [stateTopic="spa_control/message", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.CH3" ]




/*Lay Z Spa*/

Switch SpaPower "Spa Power" { channel="mqtt:topic:SpaControl:PowerChannel" }

Switch SpaBubbles "Spa Bubbles" { channel="mqtt:topic:SpaControl:BubblesChannel" }

Number SpaCurrentTemperature "Aktuelle Temperatur" (g_LastUpdatebleDate) { channel="mqtt:topic:SpaControl:CurrentTemperatureChannel" }

DateTime SpaCurrentTemperature_LastUpdate "[%1$td-%1$tm-%1$ty %1$ta %1$tT]"

Number SpaTargetTemperature "Zieltemperatur [%.0f]" { channel="mqtt:topic:SpaControl:TargetTemperatureChannel" }

Switch SpaPump "Spa Pumpe" { channel="mqtt:topic:SpaControl:PumpChannel" }

Switch SpaHeaterGreen "Spa heater green" { channel="mqtt:topic:SpaControl:HeaterGreenChannel" }

Switch SpaHeaterRed "Spa heater red" { channel="mqtt:topic:SpaControl:HeaterRedChannel" }

Switch SpaHeater "Spa Heizung"

Switch SpaHeaterControl { channel="mqtt:topic:SpaControl:HeaterControlChannel" }

String SpaHeaterState "Spa heater state"

Number Spa_Display_Char1 "Spa display char 1" (g_SpaDisplayChars) { channel="mqtt:topic:SpaControl:DisplayChar1" }

Number Spa_Display_Char2 "Spa display char 2" (g_SpaDisplayChars) { channel="mqtt:topic:SpaControl:DisplayChar2" }

Number Spa_Display_Char3 "Spa display char 3" (g_SpaDisplayChars) { channel="mqtt:topic:SpaControl:DisplayChar3" }

String Spa_Display_Message "Spa display"



rule "SPA heater state"


    Item SpaHeaterGreen received update  or

    Item SpaHeaterRed received update


    if(SpaHeaterGreen.state == ON || SpaHeaterRed.state == ON)



        if(SpaHeaterRed.state == ON){



        if(SpaHeaterGreen.state == ON){

            SpaHeaterState.postUpdate('NOT HEATING')            


    } else {






rule "SPA set heater state"


    Item SpaHeater received command


    if(SpaHeaterControl.state != SpaHeater.state)






rule "SPA get display message"


    Member of g_SpaDisplayChars changed


    var String result = ""


    result += Character.toString((Spa_Display_Char1.state as DecimalType).intValue);

    result += Character.toString((Spa_Display_Char2.state as DecimalType).intValue);

    result += Character.toString((Spa_Display_Char3.state as DecimalType).intValue);






Group item=ZF_Whirlpool


Frame label="Spa"{

Text item=SpaCurrentTemperature icon="temperature"

Setpoint item=SpaTargetTemperature icon="temperature" minValue=30 maxValue=40 step=1

Text item=SpaHeaterState label="Heater [%s]" icon="heating"

Switch item=SpaPower

Switch item=SpaPump

Switch item=SpaHeater

Switch item=SpaBubbles

Text item=SpaCurrentTemperature_LastUpdate label="Last update"

Text item=Spa_Display_Message label="Message on the display [%s]"

Switch item=SpaHeaterGreen

Switch item=SpaHeaterRed


Integration per MQTT in FHEM

Anbei ein Beispiel für ein template.
Besten Dank an Holger Franzke :-)
Zum hinzufügen in Fhem ist folgendes zu beachten:
1. Im RelaxAndSpa WLAN Modul in den MQTT Einstellungen alle Leerzeichen durch einen - Bindestrich ersetzen.
2 In Fhem im MQTT2_Device auf set DEVICE attrTemplate und dort LayZSpa auswählen.

Integration per MQTT in HomeAssistant (MQTT-broker)

Zum hinzufügen, gehen Sie zu Konfiguration - Geräte - Layzspa WiFi Controller und klicken auf "Dashboard hinzufügen"

Integration per MQTT in ioBroker

Anbei ein Link zur Unterstützung für die Einbindung in ioBroker
Lay-Z-Spa Wifi Control

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